
Friday, July 10, 2020


She had done a mistake that she born with whitish skin and that was the unresolved and most heart-wrenching truth of her life.
Being white, whitish, or black is not your choice. It's choice of the creator and He knows who is to be placed at which place He knows how to bless His creature. But with a dark skin tone she suffered so many issues in the home, school, college, university, and definitely in her marital life. Bullying and psychological harassment were always waiting for her whenever she dressed up, whenever she felt beautiful and loving because this society notices only one thing that fair complexion is the only criterion of beauty and maybe the only criterion of being blessed or lucky. It made her stressed, depressed, and hopeless but then she read a beautiful a verse from the Quran which is:

We have certainly created man in the best of stature; Then We return him to the lowest of the low, Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted. (95:4-6)

These three verses from the Holy book changed her life she decided not to focus on the bullying and psychological harassment of people about her dark complexion, she decided not to use whitening products, not to go for facials and skin treatments to stand with the most respectable class of society, the so-called beautiful people, the white people. She left all the hypocritic beautiful people and decided to live a stress-free life according to the rules of her creator Who loves her with her dark skin and made her beautiful.


  1. So beautifully penned down💌👍

  2. Judging someone by the Color of their skin is Ignorant. Their skin complexion has nothing to do with their morals, beliefs and intelligence.Plz stop judging anyone.

  3. your writings are yet simple but Soo much connecting and deeply penetrating....✨💙

