
Showing posts with label Physio tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physio tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

General guidelines for improving fitness

July 21, 2020 1 Comments

One of the best things you can do you for your health is an increase in moderate-intensity physical activity to reduce health-related issues and improve your balance, coordination, sleep, habits, and help weight loss.

Steps to follow to start a fitness program
  • Make a commitment
  • Assessing your fitness level
  • Knowing the basics
  • Design your fitness program
  • When to exercise
  • Assemble your equipment
  • A workout schedule
  • Tips for a fitness program
  • Monitor your progress.
Making a commitment
it requires the commitment of time and effort along with the patience in order to regain the fitness level due to sedentary life. Seek information regarding different exercises to improve fitness. All you need is consistency and perseverance and the price is worth the prize.

Accessing your fitness level
If being sedentary your age is under 35 and you are healthy~generally there is no need for any consultancy from PT. If Above 35 ~consult PT. Check your pulse rate heart rate VO2 max and BMI.

Knowing the basics
  • Basics of physical fitness are cardiorespiratory endurance,
  • Muscular endurance(the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions)
  • Muscle strength and body composition
  • Flexibility (ability to move your muscles and joints)
Designing a fitness program
  1. Consider your fitness goals (heart health obesity)
  2. Balance routine plan
  3. Start slow and progress slowly
  4. Allow time for rest in between activity  and after activity
  5. Note down your workouts
When to exercise
Early morning. 1hour before the evening meal. Do not exercise in extremely hot humid weather or within 2 hours after eating

The symbol used equipment and costume
Proper shoes, loose comfortable clothes. Do not wear plastic clothing as it will stop the rate of perspiration and operation which can cause an increase in body temperature.
Workout schedule
  • Warm-up 5 to 10 minutes by walking slow jogging etc.
  • 20 minutes per week muscle strength
  • Muscle endurance(30 mints)
  • Cardiorespiratory endurance (20 mints)
  • Stretching(10-12 mints)
  • Cooldown
Tips for a fitness program
Start slowly in short sessions and built up gradually. Listen to the power of your body, be creative, be flexible, and take the rest of one or two days.

Monitoring your progress
  • Retake personal fitness assessment for 6 weeks
  • Monitor your pulse rate and heart rate regularly and noted down
  • Calculate calories expenditure during exercise

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How Queen Elizabeth survived COVID-19

July 18, 2020 0 Comments

Queen Elizabeth has survived

The plague
Korean War
Vietnam War
Making of Land Rover and Range Rover
The Concord
The retirement of the Concord
Nazi rule in Germany
Destruction of Berlin

Partition of Berlin
Unifications of Berlin
Creation of Israel
Sending poor Palestinians into diaspora
Tripartite invasion of Egypt in 1956
1967 Arab- Israeli War
October 1973 War
West-East Cold War
Iran-Iraq War
First Gulf War
Fall of Saddam Hussein
Fall and disintegration of Soviet Union 
Britain joining the EU
Britain leaving the EU
Apollo 1-17
Independence of countries in Asia and Africa 
14 British Prime Ministers
Charles and Diana
Charles and Camilla
Andrew and Fergie
Harry and Megan
14 American Presidents including Trump
7 Saudi Kings
48 Italian Prime Ministers
9 UN Secretary-Generals
3rd, 4th, and 5th French Republics
Mad Cow Disease
The Internet & Wi-Fi

Only because she rarely leaves her palace and doesn't shake her hands without wearing gloves. 
So Keep Safe and Stay at Home.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Emergency Treatment during Muscle Injuries

July 14, 2020 0 Comments

Muscle injuries commonly occur during high-intensity sports activities. Sometimes the injury is mild which can be treated with the emergency treatment protocol and the athlete is able to go back and join the match but sometimes it is an injury that cannot be treated with emergency care only, hospitalization and proper medical treatment is necessary sometimes.
Here I have some physiotherapy guidelines for emergency treatment plan following a muscle injury during sports activity or during training before the competition.
  • Position the athlete properly.
  • Fix the cervical spine to eliminate the chances of any serious issue in case of cervical spine injury.
  • RICE is the golden standard treatment protocol for acute muscle injuries. It should be implemented as soon as possible following acute injury.
    • R- Rest from the activity,
    • I- Icing on the injuries part if is not bleeding,
    • C - Compression to prevent the body from edema by promoting lymphatic drainage and
    • E - Elevation above the level of the heart to decrease swelling and edema.
  • Gentle stretches and early weight-bearing within the pain-free range to assist with correct fiber orientation.
  • Localized soft tissue techniques, including cryotherapy in the acute phase and electrotherapy once the acute phase has settled, helps in the reduction of any muscle spasm helping soft tissue repair.
  • Early mobilization and weight-bearing should also be encouraged if there is no evidence of fracture.
  • Fitness and conditioning of the athlete should incorporate with the early rehabilitation without compromising the injury.
  • Specificity and functional fitness are imperative to help return the athlete back to sport without recurrence.

  1. Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention by: Paul Comfort &Earle Abrahamson, 1st Edition, 2010,Wiley Blackwell Publishers.
  2. Clinical Sports Medicine by: Brukner & Khan, 4ed, McGraw-Hill Publishers A guide to sports and injury management by: Mike Bundy & Andy Leaver, 1st edition, 2010, Churchill Livingstone.

Monday, July 13, 2020

A request for those who recovered from COVID-19

July 13, 2020 0 Comments

I am writing my experience after struggling to find plasma of COVID-19 survivor. I have posted in so many groups that are very active in collecting data and helping mankind and this is a very good initiative. Some of the people sent me a list of corona survivors with their blood groups and contact numbers mentioned in the list.
I was high after getting too many lists and thinking that now I will find a donor for my uncle. But I was very disappointed when dialed the numbers given in the list, most of the numbers were bogus. Some of them were not responding, wrong numbers, or unable to reach but the most miserable condition is that people who received the call they happily agreed for donating their blood but when they came to know that the blood is required for a COVID-19 patient they get afraid.
They get afraid that I am asking for their blood plasma because they are Corona survivor, they though I belong to any organization which is collecting the people and will sale them to any country who is doing research on that disease. Some of them got angry and some refused clearly that they never had Corona.
I am writing this post only to request you to understand the situation and guide the people who you are connected that it's a kind of treatment its called passive immunization, same as we donate blood to them who got injured or have lower HB levels. If you are the survivor, you can heal the person who belong to your blood family.
Please don't be afraid, don't step back and please please donate your plasma if you're a survivor of COVID-19. 
May Allah bless all of us and protect us from this pandemic. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Wear a protection mask or to wear a ventilator mask?

July 10, 2020 0 Comments

For people who don't understand what it means to be on a ventilator: Ventilation for Covid-19 is painful intubation that goes down your throat and stays there until you live or you die. Patients can't talk or eat or do anything natural - the machine keeps you alive. Discomfort and pain they feel from this mean that medical experts must administer sedatives and pain meds to ensure pipe tolerance as long as the machine is needed. After 20 days from this treatment, a young patient loses 40 % muscle mass and gets trauma in the mouth or vocal cords, as well as possible lung or heart complications. It is for this reason that old or already weak people can't stand treatment and die. They put a tube in your stomach...either through your nose or skin for liquid food, a sticky bag around your butt to collect diarrhea, one to collect urine, and an IV for fluids and meds. A team of nurses, CNA, and MA move your limbs every two hours and you lie on a carpet circulating ice-cold liquid to help reduce your 40° degree temp. All of this while your loved ones cannot even come to visit. You will be alone in a room with your machine. But some think wearing a mask is uncomfortable.

COVID-19 and us

July 10, 2020 0 Comments
"You can never understand someone's pain until you're the one who feels it"
Covid-19 becomes a nightmare for every one human being on the Earth. No one is safe until he/she locks them down to their homes but some have to leave the house for jobs and to go their workplaces. A large percentage of the population is being affected some of them are lucky who survived with mild symptoms, some of them lost their battle of survival and died but there are so many people who are fighting for their lives at that time. They are hanging between life and death. The most miserable situation is that nobody can meet, console, or sit beside their ICU beds to realize them that you're not alone and your family is standing with you. Another fear is haunting about memorial services.
My beloved uncle is one of them, he is on a ventilator, and fighting his battle of life with multiple organ failure, antibiotics and medications aren't helping him to breathe.
I pray, everyone who is fighting with severe symptoms at that time. May Allah bless all of them including my uncle. May he recover miraculously and come the home with his family.
Every soul will taste death. Quran 3:185
But O my Lord please bless us the most comfortable death. Aameen.
حل کوئی ہے تو بتا چارہ گر ۔۔۔ 
موت تک زندگی کی خواہش ہے ۔۔۔
