Saturday, September 12, 2020
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Yet I'm tired with my thoughts
I'm tired of lifting the weight of my failure which I'm carrying since long
I'm tired of thinking that everything which is getting worse, is going to be okay soon
I'm tired of bearing all the hardships with a smile on my face
I'm tired of waiting for the good to happen to me
I'm tired of consoling myself that this exam of life will be last
And time will come when
I will laugh with my heart again, purely like happy child
I will be relieved at the lose of my life
I will feel blessed and lucky
But with the days passing I'm losing my hope, all of my energies are draining
I'm tired of thinking positive with every negative impression
I'm tired of taking care of my own self
I'm tired of explaining myself to others
All of my dreams are shattered
I'm chasing balloons that are going high in the sky
I always remain unblessed then how can I get something now?
Struggled day and night to achieve a good start, a good job, a happy life, a bleesed life, a family, a car, a vacation or anything else
My fate is just written to struggle day and night
But I'm tired of this
Only one thing which is holding me
Only one thing which is standing me up
Only one thing which gives me hope
Is my faith, my religion, and yes definitely my RAbb
I'm tired of losing everything and the only one Who holds me is
ٱلْسَّلَامُ The Perfection and Giver of Peace
ٱلْرَّزَّاقُ The Provider
ٱلْوَدُودُ The Most Loving
This gives me power and strength. When I remember these names of my Creator I wonder Who I can be disappointed?
These names hold me strongly and keep me standing in every storm of my life
My tiredness changes into peace
My drained power builts up again because
"Those who believe and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort". (Quran 13-28)
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Don't argue about religion
Again a note especially for my students because I can ask them to at least read this article fully and try to understand and implement this in their lives. Other readers are also welcome.
It’s my humble request to all of you that please don’t argue on topics related to religion. These are very sensitive topics. If you have authentic sources then just explain them, they are willing to listen and understand then continue with a lighter tone of voice, otherwise don’t make it the matter of your ego that why someone disagrees with me or why someone isn’t on my path.
It’s a free world everyone has its own space and thinking capabilities. Your arguments or unhealthy discussions didn’t only effects the environment and people surrounding you, another reason is keeping quiet when you don’t have authentic knowledge to explain it, it might be possible you can add something false, incorrect, or some addition without source.
Same as when you read a book. All of the class fellows read the same book but some understand it deeply, thoroughly, and with good understanding. But some students who concentrate less or have less understanding with the same book can miss some of the topics, pages, paragraphs or if someone misses on the chapter, he/she may be unable to relate the other chapter with the missing one.
Same in such discussions relating to religion it’s not so easy to implant your idea in another person’s mind which is also well functioning and highly organized because the Creator is the same just the creation is creating a mess.
So please don’t say any harsh words to your friend, colleague, neighbors, or any person relating to you.
Just spread love, try to leave the argument, try to make a settlement if you encounter any argument.
Abu Umamah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “I guarantee a house on the outskirts of Paradise for one who leaves arguments even if he is right, and a house in the middle of Paradise for one who abandons lies even when joking, and a house in the highest part of Paradise for one who makes his character excellent.”
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4800
Friday, August 28, 2020
From an interview of Mr Edhi
The late Abdul Sattar Edhi was asked in an interview, "You buried thousands of helpless bodies. Have you ever cried when you see the deteriorating condition of a corpse or torture it?"
He closed his eyes and pondered, saying it was not a tortured or corpse. However, once my volunteers brought a clean dead body that looked like an old but newly and belonging to a well-educated family. His hair was oiled like white silver. And there was a clean comb. In the ironed suit, his personality looked very dignified. But it was just a dead body, Edhi Sahib seemed to think again.
Many bodies are brought to us every day. But a body that leaves its mark. I was looking at this body carefully. That's what my volunteer told me that the body was lying outside his bungalow.
As we reached the front of the bungalow, a young man from the family, who was waiting for us in a taxi, came out and quickly handed us an envelope. These are funeral expenses. Then he shortly explained, this is my father, take care of him, bathe him well and bury him. We listened a noise from the taxi. "The flight will depart in your speech". As soon as the young man heard this, he turned and got into the taxi and the taxi disappeared from sight.
Mr Edhi said he was saddened to learn of the body and when I started seeing the unfortunate man again, I felt as if he was waving his arm and begging me to help Mr Edhi. Saying that, Mr Edhi you take care dead bodies please help me also. He decided that I would take a bath and bury that body.
Then, as I began to bathe, I saw this body and think that he had done so much in his life. Will be reliable and sensitive. He had done everythingto raise his son. But the son did not have time for burial. He was more afraid of getting out of the flight than his father was in the grave.
And so my tears flowed while bathing this dead body.
Then he wiped his tears with a cloth over his shoulder, cried and said I wish we would focus more on better education and training for our children than luxury.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Allah is with you...
Friday, August 14, 2020
When we will get freedom???
We have opened our eyes to Pakistan, so it takes time for people like us to understand what a homeland is and what an independent homeland is.
Read the story written with the blood of this country, watch the spectacle of the brutality of the army occupying the Kashmir.
Swinging on the streets of Lahore, one gets an idea of what slavery really is and how to get freedom, why one asks for soil.
Why does one shed blood for dust?
When I was a child, I used to look at my mother with kindness when I called soil as mother.
Then I began to understand.
The mother gives consciousness, the soil gives pride
We were liberated from Hindu slavery in 1947. Now tell me, what do you want freedom from?
Tell us when we will be free from the slavery of one's own thinking.
From the customs for which a father has to spend his whole life to marry a daughter.
When will a poor person be free from the worry of feeding people instead of mourning the death of someone?
How long will we be stuck thinking 'what will people say' before we do the right thing?
When will the poor get freedom to get education?
When ... !!
Monday, August 10, 2020
Woman: Reflection of life and beauty
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Secondary character

Thursday, August 6, 2020
The most beautiful countdown of her life
The most awaited countdown of her life
She started taking care of herself
She started climbing and going down the stairs carefully
She started measuring her abdominal girth daily
She wasn't silly, she was blessed with the most beautiful blessing
A soul started growing in herself
How she can't be so overwhelming
Regular check-ups
Perfect size and growth
A blessed time she owned
Time changed
She slipped away
With every perfection
She was asking radiologists, whether to purchase blue or pink???
The world changed upside down
She read the word "demise" on her scan
She was very well aware of the meaning of this word but she wasn't in that state to accept the horror of that word
She forgets to breathe, her heart seems to stop breathing
She had to go through expulsion
An unplanned unwanted unexpected expulsion
3 days and 2 nights of pain and hanging between life and death
The first time she understood the meaning of the line that
"Pain caused by emotional distress is more deeply felt and longer-lasting than that caused by physical injuries"
She ruined
She laid wasted
She remained empty-handed
She had a stillbirth...............
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
What is your source of income?
Cause of many diseases having an unknown cause. (Idiopathic etiology)
So much researches and work is done and still working on this topic to find out the cause of such diseases.
For example Cancer is the most common uncontrolled cell division and growth which eventually forms a tumor. Cancer has many forms and names according to the area and location of the tumor. Cancer can grow spread and metastasize.
Some times the cause of cancer is out of our hands and it's found in our genes. A mutated gene? There are so many diseases based on sudden gene mutations for an unknown reason.
What's that? Gene is the building block of our DNA, DNA is our genetic material that describes our genetic information and characteristics. Any change in the sequence of a gene is called gene mutation which has an unknown cause.
Do you know why this happens when a disease follows an unknown cause???
Why genes get mutated?
Why a healthy couple has a mentally or physically handicapped child?
Why a young energetic person suddenly diagnosed with a fatal disease?
Let's consider it!!!
Sit and think about this!!!
Just have a look at your source of earning!!!
If you are using the right means and earning with your best efforts nothing can affect your lifestyle or your genes except Allah's will.
But if you're not using right means for source of income, earning money through cheating, stealing, corruption, murder, interest, eating the food from the plate of an orphan, keeping the share of your siblings, or any means that involves haram for you. This kind of money can give you a luxurious life but can't gift you and your generation a healthy life.
Haram earning travel in your generations and left the effects like diseases which have an unknown cause. But this is not the only reason so many other causes can correlate but if you're having haram earning then consider your lifestyle that how much you are disturbed in spite of having a luxurious life.
"O mankind: Eat of what is lawful and good on earth" (Quran 2: 168)
“They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is a great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit…"”
(Quran 2:219)
“They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is a great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit…"”
(Quran 2:219)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) said:
“A time will come upon the people when they will not care as to how he gets his money whether legally or illegally.”
If you are encountering a disease with an unknown cause then first of all go for self-analysis if you're earning haram, eating your children haram, and collecting haram then please stop doing this and protect your generations from the side effects of haram money and food. This causes gene mutation which travels in generations.
But if you're not earning haram then and God decided a disease for you then He might be checking your faith upon Him. Be stable in the time of hardship, remember Him in every breath and He will definitely remember you.
"Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from God, everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions". (Quran 4:79)
"And when I am ill, it is He who cures me". (Quran 26:80)
Why did Socrates like to drink a cup of poison instead of leaving the city??
There was great wisdom in Athens in those days. People would send their children to learn from sophists like Protagoras and agree to give them farms, houses, gold, horses, animals, and anything in return.
- It is misleading our youth.
- It does not believe in our gods
- It presents the idea of a different God that no one has seen.
- Or leave the city
- Or drink a cup of poison
Because he preferred to die just as he lived - with dignity and courage, honoring the beliefs and values he had spent his life teaching.
بہت باریک نقطہ ہے اگر سمجھ پاؤ تو سقراط زہر نہ پیتا تو مر جاتا
Friday, July 31, 2020
Ever seen life paused?
Have you tried to see your past in the dark in slow motion in front of your eyes?
Have you ever let everything go by hand?
Ever come out and grab your collar?
Have you screamed at yourself, have you explained yourself?
Have you ever embraced yourself?
Tried to complete the story of a book's torn pages?
Have you ever completely rejected yourself in front of your opponent and put him to hug?
Have you ever put a smile on your face in an effort to mend a broken relationship many years ago?
Ever made an unmade call?
Ever laughed at your defeat?
Ever had an eye for yourself?
Have you ever paused your life???
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Is it possible???
One day you will have plenty of time
And I will show you my sorrows by tearing the thread of my shawl woven with my cravings.
Is it possible?
My back is to the back of the "universe" on a cement bench on the beach
And let the sea hear our words and make the noise of love alive.
Is it possible?
One day you come with your own memories
And put your head on my shoulder and say
"Why do you remember me so much... you draw attention to yourself without even paying attention."
Is it possible?
It's evening by a lake ...
And in the shadow of the light of the fireflies flying by the lake, I will manage your compulsions before you.
I know ...
It's possible ...
If you want
It's possible ...
Monday, July 27, 2020
Say Alhamdulillah
We understand God's love too late
Then we know that He loves us so much that He always gives us the best of the best
We are the only ones, those who fly on stubbornness, disobey it, otherwise what is not in his power?
If He wills, He can give us disobedience from heaven to earth, but He will not
Not only that, but his mercy is also heavy on his wrath.
If you ever look back at the past, you will know when and where he took you ...!
Wherever He held your hand when you were alone, He blessed you with what you were not even capable of, how He created the means from the impossible to the possibilities when you had nothing.
When a man understands this then all doubts disappear, then miracles happen; then thoughts turn into belief, love of God, love is not - a hope, a hope that has no fall.
My mercy embraces all things. [Quran 7:156]
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Aches for affection
Do you ever think what amount of that influence psychological wellness?
Do you ever think when guardians contend before a preschool youngster the amount it influences the kid's emotional wellness?
Do you ever think why a child in the last line keeps quitting, demonstrating less support and low scholarly evaluation?
Do you ever think why a child doesn't take an interest in extracurricular activities?
Do you ever think why an individual who is eating well however getting pale step by step?
Do you ever figure a recently married young lady doesn't look lovely, new, and sprouting?
Do you ever think why a pregnant woman isn't shining and enchanting with grace?
Do you ever consider an individual who gets bothered on easily overlooked details and disregard some huge issues?
Do you ever think why a feeble individual isn't getting improved with the best clinical guides?
All the "why" simply has a solitary answer and that is the "denied of adoration"
Any individual who is denied of adoration and fondness isn't carrying on with life, is going through the times of time on earth. No appeal, no blossoming, just surrendered, dismissed, undesirable, disliked, and in the end, discouraged and confined.
In infirmity, nobody can help such individuals who ached for affection for the duration of life.
It's a modest desire to comprehend the feelings of the individuals you're encircled by to make their lives simpler and more joyful.
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought” [Quran 30:21]
Friday, July 24, 2020
For my students 👩🏫👩⚕️
After writing on blog, I suggested to post the link on my WhatsApp to get remarks and that wasn't easy for me. More than 70% of my contacts are my students. Some of them studying post graduation and most of them are still my students.
I openly wants to say a special thanks to my students who are regularly reading me and getting deep in their faith and understanding the true meaning of being a human.
I wish you all a very bright future ♡
Thursday, July 23, 2020
A rose from my student ♧
At the point when I was on one week leave, one of my student had this bloom in her little nursery, she had an ideal maroon rose after quite a while, everybody from her family needed to cull this excellent piece yet she guarded it for me and offered it to me when I back to work following 3 days of the blossom development.
She attempted this bloom keep new and unpicked by her relatives just to give it me.
I caught this image from my cell phone and when I saw this image it advises me that we need to reinforce our relationship with Allah we can secure it like she ensured that blossom for me.
She shielded it from shriveling or being culled by another relative. At that point why we can't secure our faith for Allah?
Why we cannot shield our faith from shirk, interest of cash and bid'dat?
Why on the off chance that we do a mix-up or sin and we don't return back to Him with such blossom of toba and aafuu?
Why we don't utilize our energies to make Him glad and to be appreciative to Him for His gifts?
May be we don't cherish Him like she adored me and attempted to satisfy me while I was returning from a leave.
Simply consider it!!!
We can likewise keep a rose new to introduce our Creator.
“Therefore remember Me (by praying, glorifying), I will remember you, and be grateful to Me (for My countless Favors on you) and never be ungrateful to Me.” Quran (2:152)
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
- Make a commitment
- Assessing your fitness level
- Knowing the basics
- Design your fitness program
- When to exercise
- Assemble your equipment
- A workout schedule
- Tips for a fitness program
- Monitor your progress.
- Basics of physical fitness are cardiorespiratory endurance,
- Muscular endurance(the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions)
- Muscle strength and body composition
- Flexibility (ability to move your muscles and joints)
- Consider your fitness goals (heart health obesity)
- Balance routine plan
- Start slow and progress slowly
- Allow time for rest in between activity and after activity
- Note down your workouts
- Warm-up 5 to 10 minutes by walking slow jogging etc.
- 20 minutes per week muscle strength
- Muscle endurance(30 mints)
- Cardiorespiratory endurance (20 mints)
- Stretching(10-12 mints)
- Cooldown
- Retake personal fitness assessment for 6 weeks
- Monitor your pulse rate and heart rate regularly and noted down
- Calculate calories expenditure during exercise
Monday, July 20, 2020
Now and then there is nothing to compose or state...
There is a silence that throws a shadow over our entire being...
In this silence, lack of concern turns out to be solid to such an extent that one doesn't feel the pain...
Indeed, even the cries of words and seeing them tortured doesn't affect a little to the entire being...
The smoke of suffering ascends in the heart so quick that there is nothing that is awarded aside from approaching Allah...
Each call Allah says...
Each call is helped... Each time He agrees...
Each time He is missed and called...
This world is only a game show...
Each time a sin is made...
Each time He blesses...
There is no restriction to His kindness...
No restriction to my offense...
However His love proceeds. We are taken alive and given everything...
However carelessness proceeds, everything is overlooked...
He smiles again and says...
فَبِأَيِّ آلاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
Which then of the favors of your Lord will you deny?
At that point, defeat is acknowledged.....
Tears of regret start to stream with this...
Truly, without a doubt, He can do all things.....
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Description of Love ☂
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Friday, July 17, 2020
Letter to you ❣
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Nostalgic ! ! !
Tell me how it's been when I wasn't here? Doesn't the cashier still ask about why you come alone? Or why you got one latte? Do you still share at the comment card a little longer, as once I wrote "I don't like coning to this place alone" do you still park you cycle and look around as I was there. So if you see me, would you wait for or hold her hand and would walk away? Tell me someday.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
- Position the athlete properly.
- Fix the cervical spine to eliminate the chances of any serious issue in case of cervical spine injury.
- RICE is the golden standard treatment protocol for acute muscle injuries. It should be implemented as soon as possible following acute injury.
- R- Rest from the activity,
- I- Icing on the injuries part if is not bleeding,
- C - Compression to prevent the body from edema by promoting lymphatic drainage and
- E - Elevation above the level of the heart to decrease swelling and edema.
- Gentle stretches and early weight-bearing within the pain-free range to assist with correct fiber orientation.
- Localized soft tissue techniques, including cryotherapy in the acute phase and electrotherapy once the acute phase has settled, helps in the reduction of any muscle spasm helping soft tissue repair.
- Early mobilization and weight-bearing should also be encouraged if there is no evidence of fracture.
- Fitness and conditioning of the athlete should incorporate with the early rehabilitation without compromising the injury.
- Specificity and functional fitness are imperative to help return the athlete back to sport without recurrence.
- Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention by: Paul Comfort &Earle Abrahamson, 1st Edition, 2010,Wiley Blackwell Publishers.
- Clinical Sports Medicine by: Brukner & Khan, 4ed, McGraw-Hill Publishers A guide to sports and injury management by: Mike Bundy & Andy Leaver, 1st edition, 2010, Churchill Livingstone.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Wash your heart!!!
Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful. Quran 4:36
Waiting Line
waiting for my turn!!!
This is life, we spend our whole life waiting for a miracle, waiting for something to be done for us. Which we asked for. Begged throughout the whole life and keep bagging until we achieve it. We are spending our lives waiting like a 12th player on the cricket team. The match goes on, audience applause for the 11 players who are performing and receiving appreciations. He keeps sitting in the pavilion watching the match and waiting for his turn, the same as we are waiting for our turn to be granted, to be blessed, to count ourselves into the list of achievers and bestows.
Waiting for a better job!
Waiting for your home!
Waiting for your love!
Waiting for your spouse!
Waiting for your children!
Whole life is waiting and struggling to achieve the wish we ever think we ever need.
Standing like a beggar asking for love and care is the toughest waiting line, you can't rush, you can't bounce to a number closer to the givers. You are the only person in that waiting line of your life, you will be blessed or will be left empty-handed. Nobody knows when the time will come when you will be blessed when you will be heard when you will have all that you need and wished though the life.
Sometimes the match ends but he didn't get a chance to perform, to participate, to achieve, to gain. But here we're afraid of being this type of 12th player who didn't get a chance to perform, to get appreciations from the audience. We're afraid of the door closes without giving.
But in both cases, if you're blessed or standing in waiting for row there is one most important thing that never loses your faith and trust in Nature. The Creator, Who created you and guided the right path according to that path no waiting line go towards a closed door, no waiting line goes towards the end of the match without audience applause. He is the Giver,
Al MUHYIY (The Giver of Life)
AL WAHHAAB (The Giver of Gifts)
This is only a waiting line in which we are sure to be blessed and bestowed. This is the only place where we aren't afraid to wait like a 12th player who comes back from the pavilion with empty hands.
This is the door which never closes never rejects, always blessing, always giving. الحمداللہ
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Child Labour
An 8-year-old home worker girl is beaten to death only the reason because she mistakenly opened the cage and an expensive parrot flew away. A bird is prior to an innocent child's life. Culprits will be free after giving attractive offers to authorities or her parents.
- The parents who left their child with such cruel and so-called humans?
- This society can't stand up for the rights of poor home workers but can stand up with any other shity topics?
- The government is unable to make any rules and regulations about child labor, home workers of any age, and such so-called humans who don't consider a poor human being?
اب کیا چاہتے ہو, نوح کا عذاب آئے ؟ ؟
Saturday, July 11, 2020
A hungry pregnant elephant in Kerala left the jungle and entered into a village for food, some of the local persons of that village gave her a cracker filled pineapple which she ate and it exploded in her mouth. She didn't harm any of the cruel villagers, she didn't crush single home while walking in the village with pain in her mouth, with severely bleeding tongue, with a baby in her womb. She then moved to Velliyar River with pain and bleeding mouth, she kept her mouth and trunk drained in water to prevent her injury from flies and to get some relief from pain.
This is not the death of an elephant or an animal, here humanity died...
Friday, July 10, 2020
Wear a protection mask or to wear a ventilator mask?
Being white, whitish, or black is not your choice. It's choice of the creator and He knows who is to be placed at which place He knows how to bless His creature. But with a dark skin tone she suffered so many issues in the home, school, college, university, and definitely in her marital life. Bullying and psychological harassment were always waiting for her whenever she dressed up, whenever she felt beautiful and loving because this society notices only one thing that fair complexion is the only criterion of beauty and maybe the only criterion of being blessed or lucky. It made her stressed, depressed, and hopeless but then she read a beautiful a verse from the Quran which is:
We have certainly created man in the best of stature; Then We return him to the lowest of the low, Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted. (95:4-6)
These three verses from the Holy book changed her life she decided not to focus on the bullying and psychological harassment of people about her dark complexion, she decided not to use whitening products, not to go for facials and skin treatments to stand with the most respectable class of society, the so-called beautiful people, the white people. She left all the hypocritic beautiful people and decided to live a stress-free life according to the rules of her creator Who loves her with her dark skin and made her beautiful.
What.... If???
We have opened our eyes to Pakistan, so it takes time for people like us to understand what a homeland is and what an independent homeland i...
You are a woman making gol roti The princess picking cotton in the fields The last hope of a woman who is suffering from labor pains in Gyna...
Have you ever seen Any secondary characters in the story. On the dark corner of the street Under a lamp post ... The stranger who smokes ci...
She started countdown The most beautiful countdown of her life The most awaited countdown of her life She started taking care of herself ...
I started writing about years ago. But I never felt easy to share my feelings with everyone or to open my notebook for everyone to read but ...